Snakes inside homes and offices can create an intense fear for some people, these snakes should not be harmed, and may be there because of an unknown rodent problem. Homes with snakes present should be checked for the presents of rodents. Once snakes are removed, entry point(s) should be located and sealed, as not to allow snakes and rodents to enter into the building. A rat or mouse problem (if present) must also be addressed. Venomous snakes can be removed and snake pleasing habitats can be modified, which will make your property less attractive to snakes. Examples: Removal of wood and rock piles, ivy, reduce food (typically rodents) sources. In addition, a specially designed repellent can be applied that helps keep snakes out of the area.
All Things Wild can help you with your Snake Removal! - Contact Us Today!
We specialize in Wildlife Removal and Animal Removal in Mt. Juliet, Lebanon, Donelson, Nashville & Middle Tennessee.